Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy
Married & Cohabiting Couples
Promote Problem Solving Skills
Flexible Schedule To Suit Both
Couples therapy focuses on working in alliance with people in intimate relationships, who may be experiencing difficulties with communication, understanding, and intimacy.
Each person within the couple may come with their own presenting problem(s) and so the process allows self-improvement and self-awareness as well as desired changes as a duo.
The therapeutic space encourages couples to learn more about each other and to facilitate a healthy way to resolve issues that they may be experiencing.
This form of therapy may be beneficial to couples who wish to positively resolve relationship difficulties, cultivate a positive bond (emotionally and/ or physically), understand more about the dynamics in their relationship or find a harmonious way to settle a relationship that has come to an end.
We are aware that some people may experience the difficulties listed above in combination with other problems, such as financial issues, and therefore our services extend to these couples.